Complete ERP Implementation Control

Implementing ERP systems is a complex endeavor, fraught with visible and hidden risks that can compound over time, leading to project drift and inefficiencies. These challenges contribute to what we call the "ERP implementation malaise" paradigm. So, how can companies break free and rise above this common scenario?

Complete ERP Implementation Control is based on following ten Project Excellence Factors. When followed effectively, these factors accelerate the realization of exceptional ERP results.

  1. Strong, Resolute Leadership: Effective internal and external leadership is essential to guide the project and overcome challenges.
  2. Pre-implementation Planning Conducted: There’s critical foundation setting work to conduct before any formal implementation begins.
  3. Skilled and Adequately Resourced Team: A project team with the right expertise, capacity, and attitude is critical to maintaining progress and achieving objectives.
  4. Clearly Defined and Managed Scope: Tight control over project scope greatly reduces risks and unnecessary work, and improves focus toward business goals.
  5. Agile Project Management: A flexible, iterative management approach is essential to adapt to challenges and maintain project momentum.
  6. Sustained Pace and Continuity: Maintaining momentum and avoiding delays are vital to keep the project on track and reach superior results.
  7. Informed Business Process and Metrics Design: New ERP business processes and metrics design should consider many influencers that are difficult to first detect and manage during the implementation.
  8. Effective Use of ERP Tools: Leveraging the ERP’s built-in tools enhances ability and options to achieve company-specific business process and metrics objectives.
  9. Adaptation to Native ERP—with Robust Change Management: Adapting to the ERP’s native functionality wherever practical is vital. Seeing opportunities and managing change is not usually done well.
  10. Strategic Commercial Terms with External Entities: Structuring favorable agreements with external vendors and consultants supports project success and cost management.

By emphasizing these factors, this approach creates a framework for achieving excellence in ERP implementation planning and execution, ultimately delivering sustainable excellent results.

Engleman Associates, Inc. helps clients put in place such project control.

Details on these 10 Project Excellence Factors.

Preparing to Implement ERP


ERP Implementation Team


Hiring an ERP Implementer


Controlling ERP Implementation Complexity


Benefits of Radical ERP Implementation Controls


ERP Selection – Leupold & Stevens

Long term ERP license costs were initially very difficult to calculate. Working with EAI-SoftSelect we were able to insist on a predicable ERP license fee approach and achieve much lower initial and ongoing license fee costs.

Paul Castle

ERP Selection – Provo Craft

EAI-SoftSelect was a great partner throughout the process of choosing an ERP solution. They helped us control the terms throughout the ERP buying process, and we achieved impressive results in reduced ERP license fees.
Having an experienced partner like EAI-SoftSelect, helped us negotiate for the products we need and set our expectations for the process of implementing these solutions.

Provo Craft
Nate White
Nate White, COO, Provocraft

ERP Selection – Cornell Pump

Negotiating ERP costs is complicated and the ERP software vendors take advantage of the buyer’s lack of experience. EAI-SoftSelect’s experience and influence helped us level the playing field. We clearly saved money and lowered our long term risk.

Cornell Pump
Jeff Markham