Unverified Functionality Data on ERP

This white paper details why unverified ERP functionality data is counterproductive in making an informed business software selection. If any portion of your decision making is based on unverified bulk functionality data, then this white paper should be thought provoking. In other words, any ERP selection largely driven by candidate software vendor’s answers to hundreds of ERP functionality requirements is a large waste of everyone’s time.

This white paper was developed based on over 900 enterprise software projects since 1996. Our company use to suggest candidate solutions to clients based on ERP functionality data we maintained. For reasons that are explained in the white paper this approach became increasingly problematic and in about 2002 we abandoned the process. In the years since then we have further confirmed that such an approach is counterproductive for a selection team to truly understand which ERP vendor is broadly the most suitable for selection. This information in this white paper is also relevant for manufacturing software functionality data and distribution software functionality data.

Candidate ERP must be challenged for functional objectives that are important and not routine for the class of ERP under review. This challenge should also be largely limited to the domain of ERP and not let the functionality scope creep into other business process areas applications/modules the ERP vendor may try to offer, but are typically better solved (with lower cost) by specialty business applications. Finally all important functionality must be properly and directly confirmed.

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A must read if any portion of your decision making is based on unverified bulk functionality data.

ERP Selection – Cornell Pump

Negotiating ERP costs is complicated and the ERP software vendors take advantage of the buyer’s lack of experience. SoftSelect’s experience and influence helped us level the playing field. We clearly saved money and lowered our long term risk.

Jeff Markham

ERP Selection – Provo Craft

SoftSelect was a great partner throughout the process of choosing an ERP solution. They helped us control the terms throughout the ERP buying process, and we achieved impressive results in reduced ERP license fees. Having an experienced partner like SoftSelect, helped us negotiate for the products we need and set our expectations for the process of implementing these solutions.

Nate White
Nate White, COO, Provocraft

ERP Selection – Leupold & Stevens

Long term ERP license costs were initially very difficult to calculate. Working with SoftSelect we were able to insist on a predicable ERP license fee approach and achieve much lower initial and ongoing license fee costs.

Paul Castle

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