ERP Short List Validation
Already down to a short list of ERP candidates? Consider our ERP Short List Validation Review.
If you have not completed your selection project you may find our short-list validation process useful. For your short list (or final selection) the process evaluates the candidate software’s history for serving companies like yours. Also discussed are vendor status (mainly viability) and software product status (has the software product been modernized and what is the vendor’s commitment to the product).
Select one of two, no bias options to access our ERP Short List Validation Review.
Free Version
Use our online ERP software comparison database to compare your short list, or final ERP choice, against our comparison criteria. If one of your chosen vendors does not naturally rank in the list, use the search tool in the upper right to determine if the ERP is in the database—and if so it can be added to the list. Keep in mind that about ½ of the ERP offered today are not in this database for basic viability issues.
Supported Version
This option builds upon the data offered in option #1. Using our extensive knowledge on ERP packages and ERP software vendors we discuss your short list and potential weaknesses your selection team may want to investigate and assess. Typically 2 to 10 hours of consulting time is required.
No Bias
Engleman Associates, Inc. has no financial or other business relationship with ERP software vendors, ERP resellers, or ERP implementers.