ERP Selection Process Deliverables

The following are typical physical deliverables of the SoftSelect ERP selection services:

  • ERP selection methods training: EAI-SoftSelect ERP selection methodology documentation, methodology and tool usage webinars, and other training as noted in a services proposal.
  • Enterprise Software Strategy and ERP boundary diagram: The estimate of what portions of overall company business processes are expected to be controlled by ERP software. This diagram is also used to help determine what ERP modules and other business applications are necessary for the company’s ERP replacement project and empowers cost negotiating activities.
  • ERP candidate Long-List ERP software candidate Long-list with detailed verbal insight to support the list.
  • ERP reseller evaluation matrix:  Based on the ERP buyer’s size, many ERP applications are sold through a network of independent resellers that also offer ERP implementation services. The ERP reseller evaluation matrix lists important screening factors and reseller results for any candidate ERP using resellers.
  • Company's strategic and business process area discovery: Results of the business process interviews are organized by business process categories (BPCs), sub-categories, and then topics. This information can be further developed during the pre-implementation readiness work for ultimate use in the implementation.
  • Key functionality objectives for ERP: List of the company’s business process support priorities (also called High-Level Differentiators - HLDs) that are are especially relevant screening factorS used to narrow the ERP Long-list to a Short-list and to design the demonstration events for the Short-list.
  • Long-List software candidate performance: Performance reports, produced in phase-2, showing how each long list ERP candidate was estimated to meet important screening factors.
  • ERP access cost control plan: The EAI-SoftSelect ERP access financial models and comprehensive documented instructions enable a breakdown of ERP access into discrete parts for which value and proposed initial and ongoing costs can be effectively discussed.
  • ERP demonstration plan: An organized and concise ERP demonstration plan that helps the finalist ERP sellers deliver relevant and accurate information to the company’s ERP selection team.
  • Excellent ERP access commercial terms: For finalist ERP vendors, identify and prioritize issue with foundation commercial terms offered and develop candidate contract language or strategies to contain the various issues. The final deliverables are intended to be favorable commercial terms the ERP buyer can accept from the winning ERP seller. Discussions with ERP sellers on comprehensively fixing their one-sided commercial terms are the areas of largest variance in our consulting time requirements. Therefore, the minimum deliverable is a detailed description about and the approach used to resolve issues that remain in discussion for finalist ERP. At this point EAI consulting hours may be increased, or in some cases clients can finish later-stage important commercial terms reset work themselves.
  • ERP Implementation service cost plan: ERP implementation financial model based on years of ERP implementation cost estimating at EAI-SoftSelect and on ERP services assumptions that lend to controlling costs.
  • ERP implementation services contracts: Marked-up contracts for the two finalists ERP implementers showing original changes and additions that are sought and usually materially achieved in a final version of the contract.
  • ERP project cash flow plan: Financial model that projects when estimated cash will be needed to pay for ERP software access, infrastructure, services, and other costs to reach a go-live event with new ERP and continue to improve the ERP.

In addition to the physical deliverables, ‘intangible deliverables’ hold significant value. These are generally described as:

  • Protecting project momentum
  • Lowering the stress on the company's ERP selection team members
  • Greatly lowering ERP license/maintenance or subscription costs from what is typically arranged
  • Significantly improving long-term commercial relationship control with extensive fixes to commercial terms
  • Improving the overall confidence in selection decisions—and a positive impact to implementation confidence and momentum


The key results of SoftSelect ERP selection assistance for our clients are:

  • Lowered risks and barriers to top-level ERP project success

  • Effective use of your team's valuable capacity

  • Favorable price and terms for software—often over 50% savings

  • Project momentum is easily maintained

  • High selection confidence

  • Improved ERP implementation project readiness

ERP Selection – Leupold & Stevens

Long term ERP license costs were initially very difficult to calculate. Working with SoftSelect we were able to insist on a predicable ERP license fee approach and achieve much lower initial and ongoing license fee costs.

Paul Castle

ERP Selection – Provo Craft

SoftSelect was a great partner throughout the process of choosing an ERP solution. They helped us control the terms throughout the ERP buying process, and we achieved impressive results in reduced ERP license fees. Having an experienced partner like SoftSelect, helped us negotiate for the products we need and set our expectations for the process of implementing these solutions.

Nate White
Nate White, COO, Provocraft

ERP Selection – Cornell Pump

Negotiating ERP costs is complicated and the ERP software vendors take advantage of the buyer’s lack of experience. SoftSelect’s experience and influence helped us level the playing field. We clearly saved money and lowered our long term risk.

Jeff Markham

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ERP Selection Process Webinar