ERP Selection Process Webinar
Engleman Associates presents a one-hour webinar on selecting ERP software and other business software that complements ERP. This webinar is a 'just the facts' presentation based on lessons from over 1000 projects and not a sales pitch. We strive to make this a productive use of your time as you will take away concepts and tips to use. High-value elements of this webinar are:
- ERP acquisition costs – Aggressive techniques for initial on ongoing cost control usually exceeding 50% savings over typical results.
- ERP license contracts – Absolutely one-sided against buyers and what to fix.
- Cloud ERP – Understanding the benefits, risks, and options.
- Implementation preparation that should start in the ERP selection.
This information is delivered by national enterprise software expert Mark Engleman. Mark founded EAI/SoftSelect 1996 and he and his team have been involved in over 1000 enterprise software projects and has delivered hundreds of webinars and workshops on enterprise software selection and controlling implementations.
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